City Commission Holds Weekly Meeting Tonight

The Huron City Commission is meeting tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners will hold a public hearing for a special event alcoholic beverage license. They will also consider a preliminary plat, contract with Beehive Industries for infrastructure mapping software and contract extension and renewals for roof inspections and the use of untreated water for irrigation at the Huron Country Club. The first reading of an ordinance that makes slight changes to the rules regarding the sick leave bank for city employees will be held. The Commission will consider giving Mayor Paul Aylward authority to sign two grant agreements. One is for replacement of the Memorial Park trail, the second is relating to the city’s wellness plan. Commissioners will consider hiring recommendations for golf maintenance and pro shop employees. They will also consider a resignation from the Planning Committee and appointments to the Library Board. There are no scheduled work or executive sessions for the Huron City Commission however the Commission will recess to reconvene at seven P-M as the Board of Equalization to hear appeals of property assessments. The Huron City Commission will meet at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public.