Plea Deal Could Keep Huron Man Off Sex Offender Registry

A Huron man’s plea deal with prosecutors in Beadle County may keep him off the South Dakota Sex Offender Registry. Nineteen-year-old Austin Burns pleaded guilty Tuesday to one count of sexual exploitation of a minor and possession of marijuana with intent to distribute. Burns admitted in court that he offered marijuana to five females under the age of 18 in exchange for what Burns referred to as sexual favors. Burns did not say in court what he asked the females to do in exchange for the marijuana. The sexual exploitation charge is related to an incident on April first of 2013. As a part of the plea deal both the defense and prosecution will ask Judge Jon Erickson to consider a suspended imposition of sentence. If Erickson were to grant the suspended imposition of sentence, Burns would not be placed on the state’s Sex Offender Registry, if he abides by conditions of probation. Burns could get two years in prison and a four-thousand dollar fine on each charge. A pre-sentence investigation was ordered by Erickson. Sentencing has not been scheduled.