City Commission Back In Action Tonight

The Huron City Commission meets tonight after an off-week last week for Washington’s birthday. Commissioners will hold a public hearing for a special event alcohol license filed by the City of Huron for Ryan’s Hangar on March 19th in Blackburn Hall at the Campus Center. The Commission will get semi-annual updates from the Huron Senior Center and Greater Huron Development Corporation. Commissioners will also consider a plat filed by Earl Norby for property in the north industral park near the former Pepsi plant. Two resolutions are up for consideration by the Huron City Commission. One asks for the release of a restrictive covenant, the second involves accepting and transfering property to the Greater Huron Development Corporation. Departmental items included fund transfers for Special Assessments and five human resource items, one of which is to consider accepting the voluntary resignation of a police officer. Other H-R items are tied to the Huron Public Library. The Huron City Commission is scheduled to meet in executive session to discuss proposed litigation. The City Commission is meeting tonight in the Commission room of the Huron Municpal building at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.