Final Push On For Veteran Names For Wall

A long project to honor Beadle County’s veterans is coming to a close. Keith Schrader has been coordinating the project and says a final list of veteran’s names to be placed on the wall need to be in by Monday February 24th….


A wall featuring the names of veteran’s from Beadle County is part of an enhancement project to make the Beadle County Veteran’s Memorial more recognizable as that, a veteran’s memorial. The other part was the placement of statues in honor of the armed services. Schrader says a specially commissioned statue of Beadle County Congressional Medal of Honor winner Michael J. Fitzmaurice is only waiting on warmer weather to be placed at the front of the Memorial….


652 names have been submitted by friends and families of Beadle County Veterans and veterans themselves…


Schrader says Beadle County veterans have been tracked down from all across the nation as a part of the project. Three names will be placed on each brick at a cost of 125-dollars per name. Donor cards are available at the Beadle County Veteran’s Service Office or by calling 352-48-93. The enhancements are due to be dedicated on Memorial Day.