City Commission Makes Minor Change To 2014 Towing Policies

The Huron City Commission approved two policies regarding the towing of vehicles in Huron. The policy about which of Huron’s two towing vendors get to put on the hook vehicles impounded by police or in need of removal from an accident scene is very similar to prior years. The main change is that Lincoln Auto and Rudy’s Towing will be dispatched to incidents on an alternating basis, instead of a week to week basis. Vehicle owners will still be able to request a specific vendor, if they choose. Public Safety Director Gary Will, Jr. says most cities use incident to incident because it’s easier…


Commissioner Mark Robish had a question on towing procedure, citing personal experience after family members were involved in an accident…


Lincoln Auto owner Wade Kauf says most teens that he’s dealt with are usually on the phone to parents when an accident happens….


The Huron City Commission also approved a policy governing how vehicles owned by the City of Huron are towed. Both agreements are for one year.