City Commission Meeting Tonight

The Huron City Commission meets tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners will consider a payment request for the Huron Aquatic Center project and get a semi-annual update from the Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau. The Commission will also consider a special event alcohol license filed by the Crossroads for the Heartland Pool and Dart Tournament at the Huron Arena. Commissioners will also consider two ordinance items relating to an ordinance first heard last week. The Commission will first consider rescinding the original first reading of the ordinance, which will be followed by a first reading of replacement ordinance. Commissioners will consider two policies relating to towing services for the police department and city vehicles. Two human resource items are also up for consideration by the Huron City Commission. There are no scheduled work or executive sessions for the Commission, who meet tonight at 5:30 P-M. The meeting is open to the public.