City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission meets tonight after having last week off for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Commissioners will consider awarding three bids for infrastructure projects and hold a public hearing for a special event alcohol license filed by the Huron Chamber. The Commission will consider a land access and use agreement with the South Dakota National Guard for filed training exercises. Commissioners will also consider a memorandum of Agreement with the Guard for local law enforcement emergency response. Also up for consideration are perpetual easements with three groups for an asphalt overlay project on 21st street from Dakota to Sherman Avenues. The first reading of an ordinance regarding charges and sewer rental fees will be held. A number of departmental items are on the agenda for tonight including re-appointments to the Community Garden Committee, year-end and contingency fund transfers and a contract with First District for E-911 system maintenance. The Commission will consider a request for Mayor Paul Aylward to sign a letter to the State Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Training Commission for a reserve officer program. Four human resource items are up for consideration including the hiring of three new police dispatchers. Commissioners will also consider amendments to the AFSCME union contract and a grant addendum for replacement of a broken police car radar. There are no scheduled executive or work sessions for the Huron City Commission who meet tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building.