Search Still On For Cyriacks

The search for a missing Woonsocket woman continues nearly two months after word came out that she has gone missing…


Sanborn County Sheriff Tom Fridley says the extreme cold followed by warm spells has impacted the search for 30-year-old Rachel Cyriacks….


Fridley says they’ve used the Codington County dog search team in a few areas and have talked with the Civil Air Patrol about searches. He says the large area Cyriacks may be in makes it difficult to do a ground search with people…


Fridley declined to say if the investigation into where Cyriacks may be is criminal in nature…


He says law enforcement has no reason to believe either way that Cyriacks may still be alive…


The pick-up truck that the South Dakota Attorney General’s office released a photo of earlier this month is in the possession of the Sanborn County Sheriff’s Office. Anyone with information about where Rachel Cyriacks may be should contact the Sanborn County Sheriff at 796-4511 or Huron Police at 353-8550.