City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission gathers tonight at the Huron Municipal Building for it’s regular weekly meeting. Commissioners have a number of bid items to consider. Bids for a used automated side loader refuse compactor, sewer main lining, manhole renovation and water treatment chemicals will be awarded. Setting bid dates for street milling and overlay projects, curb and gutter replacement and handicap ramp installation and water main replacement will be considered. The second reading of an ordinance revision the removes language from an ordinance on dog noises will be held. Departmental items included consideration of a contract addendum wit the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3-A. A wage adjustment, hiring recommendation for a fire fighter and regular status considerations for two volunteer fire fighters will be considered. The Commission will also make announcements regarding the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. There are no scheduled executive or work sessions for the Huron City Commission who meet tonight at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.