Volesky Still Pondering Senate Run

In September, Huron lawyer and former political candidate Ron Volesky announced he would consider a run for U-S Senate in 2014. On Wednesday, Volesky says he is still pondering a run at the Senate seat being left open by a retiring Tim Johnson. Volesky says he will make a final decision on entering the race by the middle of January. He is waiting to see if the financing for a campaign will materialize. In his younger years, Volesky said he normally would have jumped into a run for office will little though to the financial implications. He plans to use more thought in that regard this time. Volesky says he should have a better idea on where things sit toward the beginning of next week. If Volesky, were to run, he would join Rick Weiland as a second Democrat in the race, forcing a primary election. This week the number of Republicans vying for the G-O-P nod in the race became a literal handful, with Jason Ravnsborg, joining Mike Rounds, Larry Rhoden, Stace Nelson and Dr. Annette Bosworth in a five-person race.