Huron To Consider Changes To Snow Removal Ordinances

Changes to Huron’s snow removal ordinances may be coming before the Huron City Commission before the end of the year. Commissioners heard problems and proposals from Code Enforcement Officer Jack Neitzert and City Inspector Roger Bell. Bell says they have seen a number of crosswalks have not been cleared of snow. He would also like to see people who own property without sidewalks on open lots clear a path to connect sidewalks on opposite end of the block. Bell asked the Commission to give residents more time to get sidewalks cleared, if they clear the whole sidewalk, side to side….


Snow removal from sidewalks in the downtown Core Area of Huron was also a concern. The proposed ordinance changes would require snow be moved to the gutter and not the sidewalk edge. It was also asked that something be done about businesses who pile snow on boulevards, that can lead to reduced visibility for traffic. Meanwhile Street Superintendent Phil McCaskell asked the Commission to consider adding a new Snow Emergency Route, due to expanded growth on the southwest side of Huron….


Mayor Paul Aylward says the snow removal items talked about in the nearly 25 minute work session may be added to the agenda for the next City Commission meeting Monday night.