Registration Deadline For Pheasant Habitat Summit In Huron Today

The registration deadline for the December 6th Governor’s Pheasant Habitat Summit in Huron ends today and officials say there’s lots of interest in the event.   Tony Leif, Wildlife Division Director for the Game, Fish and Parks Department says registration has been steady and the department is already hearing several different ideas to maintain and enhance pheasant habitat.

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The day will start out with a welcome from the Department Secretary Jeff Vonk and Leif will discuss the history of pheasants in South Dakota.  There will also be other speakers on hand who will cover such topics as land use change in South Dakota, conservation policies and modern agricultural production.  Later, Leif says summit participants will break into small groups to talk about ideas to improve the future of pheasant habitat and hunting in the state.

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The Game, Fish and Parks Department’s annual roadside pheasant brood count this past summer found the statewide average number of pheasants was almost 65 percent lower than last year’s survey-statistics which caused concerns for hunters, businesses, conservationists and agriculture interests.