Huron High School To Get $25,000 "Celebrate My Drive" Grant

Huron’s participation in a nationwide safe driving campaign sponsored by State Farm insurance has netted a 25-thousand dollar payday for the Huron High School…


Huron High School Principal Demi Moon says the remaining ten percent or 25-hundred dollars must be used towards safe driving education and initiatives at the High School….


Huron finished in the Top 50 of eligible schools taking part in the program, although Moon says State Farm has not yet released where Huron finished on that list. The eight-day day campaign in the middle of October involved students and community members going to the Celebrate My Drive website and making an on-line “commitment” to safe driving. A person could make one “commitment” each day of the contest. With the ink on the check barely dry, Moon says the students are looking at how to make next year’s Celebrate My Drive better…


In addition to the grant money the Grand Prize in the Celebrate My Drive campaign is a concert for the winning schools with Grammy winner Kelly Clarkson. State Farm will announce where the school finished December ninth. Nationwide, over six-point-three million commitments to safe driving were received during the contest.