City Commission To Meet Tonight

The Huron City Commission meets tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners will consider a change order for a wet well replacement project and hold a public hearing for two special event alcohol licenses filed by Holy Trinity Catholic Parish for a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater on November 16th. The Commission will consider authorizing Mayor Paul Aylward for sign a financial assistance agreement from the State of South Dakota for project at the Huron Regional Airport. A number of human resource items are up for consideration including a hiring recommendation for a camera operator for City Commission meetings, the issuing of a civil service call for two dispatchers and two items relating to Solid Waste Department staff. The Huron City Commission will not meet Monday November 11th in honor of Veteran’s Day and the Commission will make announcements regarding garbage collection. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.