Huron To Help State Fair With Clover Hall Demo

The Huron City Commission approved a request by the South Dakota State Fair for help with the approaching demolition of Clover Hall….


State Fair Manager Jerome Hertel told Commissioners he is hopeful that bringing Clover Hall to the ground will help in raising the four-million dollars needed for the 47-thousand square foot building that will replace the aging Four-H exhibit hall on the State Fairgrounds…


Hertel says the State Fair is simply asking to use equipment…


Hertel says it should take approximately three days to reduce Clover Hall to rubble. He says the beginning of December is a good time to start the project for the State Fair but wants the time to be convenient for all the entities willing to assist in the project. In the unanimous approval of allowing a City of Huron side dump truck and payloader to be used in the removal of Clover Hall, the city is waiving landfill fees for the disposal of demolition debris.