Phone Call Allowed In Rose Trial

A motion to keep a phone call made by a Huron man to a member of the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation out of his approaching rape and incest trial is denied by Judge Vince Foley. Foley ruled on the motion to suppress the phone call during the final pre-trial hearing in Beadle County’s case against John Rose on Tuesday. In the phone call, Rose called D-C-I Assistant Director of Field Operations Dan Satterlee to complain about the way Special Agent Brett Spencer dealt with Rose after Spencer was asked to interview Rose. In a hearing last week, Spencer testified, that after listening to the call, he believed Rose made partial confessions to the alleged crimes. Foley scheduled an additional hearing to discuss the phone call after the contents of the call came to light during an initial hearing to suppress evidence last week. That motion was denied as well, allowing evidence obtained on memory cards to be admitted during trial. Rose was indicted by a Beadle County Grand Jury in late December of last year on 32 charges of first degree rape, sexual contact with a child under 16 and aggravated incest. Rose’s trial is scheduled to begin October 23rd.