Commission Approves Assessment Of Dressed Beef Site

The Huron City Commission authorized Mayor Paul Aylward to sign development agreement for the former Huron Dressed Beef site. The owners of J and J Truck Wash Out want to move their operation to the site and use the existing waste lagoons to hold run-off from livestock trailers that are cleaned out of manure and animal waste. City Planner Ralph Borkowski says Dakota Environmental of Huron is planning to do additional assessments of the lagoons, a provision outlined in a restrictive covenant on the site…


Rebecca Roth lives north of the site and expressed concerns about the proposed project to the Commission…


Commissioner Gary Harrington says the approval is about due diligence…


Mayor Aylward agreed…


Results of the assessment will be delivered to both the City and The South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources  in about a month of the assessment taking place.