Moore Moves On To Fill Deputy Role Left By Banks

With the approval of Jeff Banks by the Huron City Commission to become the city’s full-time City Attorney, a void has now opened in the Beadle County States Attorney’s Office…


Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore says Banks worked well in his office….


With Banks moving a few blocks east from the Beadle County Courthouse to the Huron Municipal Building, Moore says it’s now his turn find a replacement…


As for the case load Moore spoke of, he says is office can be short handed for a little while and doesn’t see the short term need to bring in special prosecutors to handle cases


Banks has been in Beadle County States Attorney’s office since 2007. He is taking over the Huron City Attorney’s job on a full time basis from Gerry Kaufman who ended his ten year tenure as part-time Huron City Attorney to become the Director of Policy and Legal Affairs for the Associated School Boards of South Dakota.