City Commission Holds Executive Session

The Huron City Commission spent two and a half hours in executive session Tuesday.  An agenda for the meeting listed the reason for the session as personnel. During the time frame, two individuals were seen entering and exiting the conference room at the Huron Municipal Building. Both are Huron area lawyers. Deputy Beadle County States Attorney Jeff Banks was the first to enter the session. Banks spent approximately 30 to 35 minutes in the meeting. Beverly Katz was also in with City Commissioners, Mayor Paul Aylward, Human Resource Director Pat Schmidt and Finance Director Paullyn Carey for about the same time frame. After Katz exited, the Commission took a small break, then returned behind closed doors with Public Safety Director Gary Will, Jr. The Commission took no formal action at the conclusion of the executive session. Aylward says the Commission is likely to hold an executive session on the same matter during Monday night’s regular meeting of the Huron City Commission. Huron recently made the City Attorney a full-time staff position following the resignation of long-time, but part-time City Attorney Gerry Kaufman. Kaufman left the Huron City Attorney job to become Director of Policy and Legal Services for the Associated School Boards of South Dakota.