City Commission Meeting Twice To Start Week

The Huron City Commission will be meeting twice to start the new week. Tonight is the Commission’s regularly scheduled meeting where Commissioners will consider approval of payment requests for two water towers in Huron. A change order and payment request for Central Park is also on the agenda. The Commission will consider approval of a resolution regarding providing a school resource officer to the Huron School District. Commissioners will also consider a recommendation to set September 21st at nine-A-M as the day and time for the city surplus auction. Commissioners will consider a request by Public Safety Director Gary Will, Jr. to purchase polygraph equipment and send an officer to training. The Commission will also consider a resignation from the Planning Commission and make announcements regarding the city rubble site in relation to the city surplus auction. There are no scheduled executive or work sessions for the Huron City Commission’s Monday night meeting that will begin at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The Huron City Commission will meet again on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 P-M for a single executive session item. That item is a personnel matter under South Dakota Codified Law one-dash-25-dash-two subsection one