School Board Leaving Room On Agenda For Possible Action Regarding Opsal Agreement

The Huron School Board is allowing for possible action regarding the release of an agreement with former Superintendent Ross Opsal. Two items relating to the Opsal issue are included on the agenda for Monday’s School Board Meeting. Item 7-E under the Reports to the Board section of the agenda lists quote “Circuit Court ruling on Ex-Superintendent’s Contract” School Board Attorney Rodney Freeman’s name is listed behind that item. Under the Old Business section, Item 8-A is listed as quote “Consider Action regarding litigation on sealed agreement with former superintendent”. Earlier this year the State office of Hearing Examiners ruled the Huron School District should release a sealed agreement with Opsal.. The School Board appealed the Hearing Examiner’s ruling to circuit court as permitted by law. Circuit Judge Jon Erickson of Huron ruled last week in favor of the recommendation to release the agreement to the public. The issue came to light when a Mitchell newspaper wanted to know why the Huron School District was paying both Opsal the former Superintendent and Terry Nebelsick the current Superintendent during the same time period.