CP Claims It Did What It Promised To DM&E In South Dakota

CP Rail has responded to a filing from the State of South Dakota over promised upgrades to the former D.M&E. system.  The state had asked the Surface Transportation Board to review the filings CP had made when they bought the DM&E, and to see if they had followed through on their pledge.  CP Spokesman Ed Greenberg says they have lived up to their obligations…


Ed Greenberg 830a

Greenberg says their records show they have spent more on the DM&E system than they promised…

Ed Greenberg 830b


A spokesman for Governor Dennis Daugaard says they believe CP has counted some expenditures twice, and included upgrades made by DM&E before the sale.  Greenberg says despite other reports, no final decision has been made to sell the line…

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The rail line is the only east west link across South Dakota.