City Approves Fence Variances But Reminds Residents To Check Before Building

The Huron City Commission wasn’t mending fences Monday night, but they were approving them….


That was the approval of one of three variances by the Board of Adjustments Monday night during the Huron City Commission meeting. Commissioner Mark Robish says he’s noticed an apparent trend with the number of fence variance requests in recent months….


The locations in question are fences along city alleys. Robish asked City Planner Ralph Borkowski what home owners need to do…


Borkowski added utility poles in an alley could be used as a guideline…


Robish says using utilities poles as a starting point is something to keep in mind….


Property owners can generally repair a panel or section of a fence without the need for a building permit, however work on a fence deemed as a replacement by the city building inspector will require a building permit.