Kaufman Resigns To Accept Position With ASBSD

With regret, the Huron City Commission accepted the resignation of City Attorney Gerry Kaufman Monday night.  Huron Mayor Paul Aylward….


Kaufman has been offered and has accepted a position with the Associated School Boards of South Dakota as Director of Policy and Legal Services. Kaufman informed Huron Mayor Paul Aylward and all four Commissioners of his decision in a letter dated July 26th. Kaufman has been City Attorney in Huron for 10 years…


Kaufman’s departure after a decade of service leaves the question of where the city will go next for legal advice. Kaufman is currently a part time city attorney under contract with Huron. In a work session the on the topic of the City Attorney position, Aylward says he’s hearing a desire from with in city hall to make the City Attorney job a full time city employee…


Preliminary research by Human Resource Director Pat Schmidt shows other cities in the state use a wide ranging pay scale to fund a City Attorney and that more research into the prospect of making the City Attorney a full time position will be done. Kaufman’s last day will be September. 27Th of this year however he did request the city consider his resignation become effective sooner, so that he can begin the AS-BS-D position earlier. Aylward said the Commission will consider an earlier release, if a replacement attorney can be in place in the next 60 days.