State Fairgrounds Sustains Minor Damage In Friday Storm

Like a number of other places in Huron, the South Dakota State Fairgrounds took a few lumps from Friday’s severe weather. Fair Manager Jerome Hertel says damage consisted of mainly trees and a few structures…


The State Fairgrounds is hosting the 2013 Wally Byum Caravan Club International Airstream Rally. Hertel says roughly 250 of the iconic aluminum campers were in place when the storm moved in….


Some of the Airstreamers rode out the storm in their travel trailers…


Power was out at the State Fairgrounds until Saturday afternoon. The Fairgrounds are positioned not to far south of the Huron Regional Airport, which recorded one of the largest gusts of the storm at 87 miles an hour. Hertel was surprised to see so many healthy trees damaged by the winds, including a large cottonwood at the corner of Grandstand Way and Recreation Avenue….


Other damage included a number of lightweight booths that were shredded and wrapped around trees trash barrels strewn about and a light pole near the Midway was down. Hertel says the damage should not delay or have any effect on the South Dakota State Fair in late August.