Huron Police Shoot And Kill Aggressive Pit Bull

Huron police shot and killed an aggressive pit bull that charged towards an officer while responding to a call this weekend. Officers were called to the 900 block of Ohio Avenue Southwest around 7:15 Saturday morning after getting a report that children were being charged by two pit bulls. The caller told police the dogs had chased them into a nearby residence and were unable to get out of the home. The first responding officer was immediately engaged by one of the dogs, when he left his patrol car. The dog aggressively charged at the officer, at which time the officer shot and killed the dog. One victim suffered a minor bite wound to the leg. The dog was not licensed and had no records of vaccination. The officers with the Huron Police Department have had prior run-ins with the animals, including a previous confrontation between officers and one of the pit bulls. Huron police continue to investigate the incident and charges against the dog’s owner may be pending.