HPD Looking To Place Less Lethal Option In All Police Cars

Members of the Huron Police Department have been training recently in the use of less lethal technology designed to stop a threat coming toward them with a reduced risk that the suspect may be killed after being struck…


Less Lethal Instructor Sergeant Casey Spinsby directed Sergeant Dan Schlader and officers Sarah Bowen and Adam Doerr in firing rounds that include a rubber slug or an H-V Star round that looks like a miniature koosh ball. Less Lethal Instructor Cory Borg says the rounds offer another option to police to bring a situation to close that is safer for cop and perp alike…


The rubber slug rounds can allow an officer even more distance between them and a suspect up to 60 yards. Less lethal weapons, namely shotguns are designed to only allow less lethal round to be fired from them. Borg says eventually all squad cars will be equipped with a less lethal weapon.

HV Star round
Rubber slug round