School Board Considers ALL Options To Address Budget Gap

The Huron School District will be running up against some tight time lines in order to keep the district in the black over the next two years. Business Manager Kelly Christopherson talked budget with the Huron School Board Tuesday night…


The small group talked about the budget gap for two hours. Christopherson says the group considered many common suggestions….


Christopherson believes the Finance Committee will recommend trying to keep the district solvent up to two years in advance, which the district has done the last few years…


If an opt-out becomes the district’s decision it must be on the books by October 1st. Christopherson says it takes him six weeks to plan an election, plus a 20-day window for a possible referral to a public vote it the School Board decides on it’s own to opt out….


A list of recommendations will be given to all 35 members of the Finance Committee so the Committee can make a recommendation to the School Board on how to address the district’s 600-thousand dollar budget shortfall.