James River To Flood As Week Moves Along

Heavy rains over the weekend and more rain in the forecast is leading to a number of flood warnings across the area. A flood warning is posted for Hand County until 6:30 Thursday night. Heavy rains last night added to already soaked ground across the county. The flood warning for Hand County continues a similar warning issued during the weekend. Meanwhile the James River is expected to rise past flood state in at least three locations. A Flood Warning is in place on the James River at Huron, Forestburg and Mitchell. As of Monday Morning at eight-A-M the James at Huron was at 10-point-two feet. The river is expected to rise near flood stage at 11 feet by seven-P-M next Sunday. At Forestburg, the James was at eight-point-eight feet on Monday morning. The river in Sanborn County is expected to hit flood stage of 12 feet by five-P-M tonight and crest at 13-point-six feet by Thursday. At 14 feet at Forestburg, county and township roads along the James become flooded. Finally at Mitchell, the James River was at 13-point-seven feet as of yesterday morning. The river is expected to hit flood stage at 17 feet by one P-M Friday at crest at 18-point-three feet on June second.