Huron School Board Meets Tonight

The Huron School District Board of Education is meeting tonight at the Instructional Planning Center on the second floor of the Huron Arena. Board members will consider approval of the consent agenda which contains a new hire, seven new contracts with personnel, a resignation and renewal of property liability insurance. Also listed on the consent agenda is asking permission to seek bids for site construction at Buchanan Elementary School. The board will celebrate a number of successes in the district and extend a number of thank yous. Superintendent Terry Nebelsick will give the Superintendent’s report and dates to remember will be announced. In old business, the Huron School Board will consider second reading and adoption of Section C and get a budget update for the 2013, 2014 school year. New Business includes the introduction of two amendments to board policies, the approval of contracts with Koch Hazard for architect services for the elementary school expansion project and approval of a grant application submitted by the Welding Shop. An executive session is scheduled for contractual matters and negotiations. Community input will be considered before the Huron School Board adjourns it’s meeting. The Huron School Board meets at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public. Because of the Memorial Day holiday the Huron City Commission did not meet Monday night.