Search For Nye In Beadle County Focuses On Eastern Half Of County

The search for a Pierre man, missing since Sunday morning from a home in Saint Lawrence has shifted to eastern Beadle County…


Beadle County Emergency Manager Tom Moeding is asking farmers to be on the lookout for 80 year-old Leroy Nye, who Hand County authorities say has been unaccounted for since approximately 1:30 AM Sunday….


Moeding says the searching his being focused on eastern Beadle County following a credible tip….


The car Nye is believed to be in is a 2001 Dodge Intrepid with South Dakota license plates 33-M, 2-0-2. Nye was last seen wearing a T-shirt and underpants. The search for Nye is also taking to the sky….


Grayson has offered to go up again once weather in the area clears. Nye has been without food, drink or needed medication for nearly a day and a half. Hand County First Responders have searched every black top, gravel and passable road and some areas by ATV. Searches are also taking place in Hughes County. Those with information on the wear-abouts of Leroy Nye are asked to contact local law enforcement.