Eight Road Projects Taking Place In And Around Huron

Warmer weather is giving city work crews the opening they need to start on a number of projects. City Engineer Mike Wever says sewer main lining will take place on Dakota Avenue from 15th Street North to 10th Street North at the railroad tracks. There will be some intersection work during that project that could lead to some partially blocked intersections at times. Manhole lining will take place on Beach Avenue from 6th Street to 13th Street. Like the sewer main lining some intersections may be blocked for work on the intersections in the area. Storm sewer inlets on 24th Street and McDonald Avenue Southwest will be worked on in some low traffic areas. Concrete replacement will take place on Simmons Avenue Southeast from 15th to 18th Streets. Equipment for that project could make travel difficult at times. Wever says a painting crew will be arriving in Huron to begin painting the one-million gallon water tower in the northwest industrial park. Work on state highways is picking up as well. Traffic on State Highway 37 will be pushed to the west for concrete removal from 15th Street North, north one mile. An 11 foot width restriction will be in place on Highway 37. Meanwhile work on U-S Highway 14 will consist of sawing relief joints and installing storm sewers. Highway 14 from Lincoln Avenue to Highway 37 will be head to head with a 16 foot width restriction. Two state projects continue within Beadle County. Highway 14 from a mile west of the Broadland Road to just south of Wolsey on U-S Highway 281 will see asphalt milling with a pilot car and 16 foot width restriction. And State Highway 28 remains closed from the James River to Highway 37 and from 37 to three miles east for culvert installation.