New Mayor/Commissioner To Be Sworn In Tonight.

A changing of the guard tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. David McGirr will yield the mayor’s gavel to Paul Aylward. Aylward and Garry Harrington will be sworn in tonight to begin the weekly meeting of the Huron City Commission. Commissioners will consider purchasing road oil from a Beadle County bid and a change order for a sewer main lining project. The Commission will hold a public hearing on the transfer of a liquor license for the Tailgate Restaurant. Commissioners will also consider requests from the Red Arrow Bar for May 17th. Huron resident Cliff Hadley has requested that the City Commission address questions of alleged secrecy by the Commission, issues brought up by incoming mayor Aylward and commissioner Harrington during their campaigns. With the swearing in of the new mayor and commissioner will come the annual reorganization of the governing body, including approval of city newspaper and financial institutions. Commissioners will also consider a request by Public Safety Director Gary Will to apply for grant to add a second School Resource Officer and nine human resource items. The Huron City Commission will meet tonight at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.