Huron Elementary Bond Issue Approved; Gose And Bischoff To School Board

Voters in the Huron School District have agreed to add another roughly 20 dollars per 100-thousand dollars of valuation to their tax rolls to help pay for renovations to three elementary schools.  A 22-million dollar bond issue easily surpassed the 60-percent voter approval needed to pass. 71-percent of Huron School District voters said yes to the bond issue. Garrett Bischoff is chairman of KIDS First, the group that promoted passage of the bond…


It was an extra good night for Bischoff as he scored one of two open spots on the Huron School Board….


Bischoff and Sherman Gose beat out incumbent Michelle Bennett who only got 15-percent of the vote. Gose was tops in the school board race with 2,535 votes or 44-percent of voters tallies….


Bischoff had 2.337 votes or 40-percent. Bennett got 861 votes. As for the bond issue, renovations will now be possible at three Huron elementary schools to deal with growing enrollment. Enrollment has increased 57-percent over the past decade, and is projected to rise another 37-percent or more by 2017.