City Ok's Sidewalk Business Ordinance

The Huron City Commission gave it’s approval to an ordinance allowing businesses to expand onto the sidewalks in front of their buildings, however the process to make that happen appears to have gotten slightly longer. During first reading much of the conversation revolved around what levels of approval would be needed on roads that are eligible for work, paid for by state and federal gas tax funding, known as STIP funds. City Attorney Gerry Kaufman said after checking with Department of Transportation lawyers, that process must go all the way to Washington…


Changes were also made to what will keep the sidewalk and business separate…


Jeff Miller owns a business on Wisconsin Avenue who wants to add a sidewalk area to his business. He wants to see the ordinance move along as quickly as possible…


City Engineer Mike Wever suggested the City look at having Wisconsin Aveune removed from the list of STIP eligible roads, to possibly speed up the approval process. A resolution setting the fees for the sidewalk business zones also won approval. Sidewalk business permit zones and leased zones will be good for one year and cost 35 dollars each.