Huron, De Smet And Clark Businesses Off To China

Three Huron businesses and two area businesses are off on Governor Dennis Daugaard’s latest trade mission to China. Greater Huron Development Corporation Executive Director Jim Borszich says he’s pleased to see businesses in Huron vying for the chance to be a part of such opportunities…


Dakota Style of Clark and Uni-Med, Incorporated of De Smet are also a part of the group of 15 businesses and organizations going on the trade mission.Borszich says there are great opportunities available in China right now…


Terry Schiltz is President of Ag Sense in Huron and is looking forward to his overseas trip with the Governor…


Ag Sense sells web-based farm management systems to farmers and agri-businesses so they can remotely manage their operations.. Schiltz says the their inclusion on the Governor’s Trade Mission is coming at the perfect time…


The Trade Mission to China with Governor Daugaard ends April 12th.The delegation will travel to Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong for meetings to discuss exporting their products and commodities.