State Fair Says No To Personal Golf Carts

In an effort to make the South Dakota State Fair safer for those attending the annual event in Huron, Fair officials have announced restrictions on the use of golf carts during the event. State Fair Manager Jerome Hertel say increasing attendance brings with it an increase in the number of people using golf carts on the grounds…


One of the biggest changes is that personal golf carts will no longer be allowed…


The number of courtesy carts and trams on the South Dakota State Fairgrounds will be increased. The number of personal scooters available will also increase. Hertel says the change in golf cart policy is not connected to ordinances passed last year by the Huron City Commission to reflect changes in state law and that it’s solely about safety….


Additional security is being hired this year too watch for violations and monitor golf cart use. Golf cart use will be prohibited in high traffic areas like the Independent Midway, Freedom Stage, Expo Building and other locations.

A list of the rules and regulations for golf carts are listed here. 


  1. The use of personal golf carts is not allowed on the State Fairgrounds during the annual State Fair. Only those carts authorized by the State Fair will be allowed to operate on State Fair property.
  2. All golf carts and operators must be registered with the South Dakota State Fair. Permits will be displayed in a highly visible area.
  3. All golf cart operators must be 16 years of age or older and have a valid driver’s license.
  4. The South Dakota State Fair reserves the right to restrict golf carts that have been accessorized, altered or modified from a standard golf cart design.
  5. South Dakota Motor Vehicle Laws apply to all operators of golf carts.
  6. The maximum speed limit is 15 mph.
  7. No unauthorized signs or advertising on golf carts is allowed.
  8. All golf carts are restricted to designated camping areas and established roadways. No unauthorized golf carts will be allowed in the show areas or restricted areas. Please refer to the map issued with the golf cart permit for restricted areas.
  9. No more than the allotted number of people can ride on available seating on golf carts.
  10.  Golf carts are required to yield to pedestrians at all times.
  11.  No golf carts can be operated without lighted headlights from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise.
  12. Operation of a golf cart while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited by state law. No person may possess or consume alcohol or drugs while operating a golf cart on State Fair property; violators are subject to arrest for DUI.
  13. Careless driving or behavior that endangers or would likely endanger any person or property will not be tolerated.
  14. Failure to abide by the rules will result in the operator’s permit being revoked and possible removal from the premises.
  15.  Golf carts for the disabled are to be used for transporting disabled individuals only. The disabled individual must be present while the cart is being operated.