Haeder,Freske Tops In Performance Radio News Poll

All week long, Performance Radio News has sampled listeners in an unscientific poll on the Performance Radio News page on Facebook asking who listeners would throw their support to in the upcoming municipal election. After evaluating the voting to determine ineligible votes from people who can not vote in the city office election, the combination of Kerwin Haeder and Dick Freske received 48-percent of the vote. 27-percent favored Paul Aylward and Garry Harrington while a Haeder/Harrington comb netted 24-percent. No votes were tallied for Aylward and Freske. Again the results of the News Poll are unscientific and designed to gauge the thoughts of listeners. It in no way has any bearing on the actual municipal election on April 9th, where three school board candidates are running for two open spots and voters will decided on a 22-million dollar bond issue for elementary school renovations. Next week starting Monday you’ll have the same voting opportunity with the Huron School Board candidates. Performance Radio News thanks all of you who took time to vote in the poll.