Juvenile Escapees Plead Guilty

Two Huron teens who assaulted a jailer and escaped from the Juvenile Detention Center in Huron in November have pleaded guilty in plea agreements with prosecutors. Sixteen-year -old Eduardo Valdez pleaded guilty to escape in Court Tuesday. Seventeen-year-old Matthew Rainbow entered a guilty plea in the weeks prior. If your wondering why we can use the minors name on air, Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore says South Dakota changed a law on that about 15 years ago….


Pre-sentence investigations have been ordered for both, no sentencing dates have been set. David Mendoza, the 19-year-old Huron man who kept Valdez and Rainbow from police was sentenced this week to a suspended two year prison term, two years of probation and 180 days in jail with credit for 132 days already served.