Mendoza Given Jail Time For Housing Escaped Juvenile

The man who admitted to hiding two juvenile escapees from the Beadle County Jail in November has been given an opportunity to prove the world wrong. Nineteen year old David Mendoza was given a two year prison sentence Tuesday by Circuit Judge Jon Erickson, however those two years were suspended. Mendoza was sentenced to six months in jail but will get credit for 132 days already served, meaning he will remain in custody for another 48 days. Mendoza attorney Ron Volesky says it was odd for Mendoza as the escapees, Eduardo Valdez and Matthew Rainbow brought the situation to him. Volesky added that Valdez and Rainbow escaped in a violent manner and that is not a reflection on his client. He requested either a suspended imposition or execution of any possible sentence. Mendoza’s pastor spoke about the substantial positive changes he’s seen in Mendoza leading up to the incident. When police came looking for the escaped inmates, Mendoza hid under his bed and lied to police. When asked why by Erickson he said he was scared. Mendoza apologized for what he did and told the court he understands he can’t hang around some of the people does saying quote “I just want to succeed” Following his statement, Erickson said he and Court Services don’t think Mendoza can stay out of trouble, but offered him one more chance saying quote “Your articulate and smart, use it to prove the Court wrong”. Mendoza was ordered to pay fines and courts costs and will be on probation for two years.