Statewide Texting Ban Moves To State Senate

The South Dakota Legislature once again debates a bill that would implement a statewide ban on texting while driving.  Similar laws have failed in the past couple of sessions.  However, in the last year four South Dakota cities have passed their own bans on the practice.  The Senate Transportation Committee passed the measure on a five-two vote.  It now moves to the Senate Floor.  Senator Mike Vehle of Mitchell is the bill’s prime sponsor.  He says it’s about changing the culture, similar to drinking and driving…


Senator David Omdahl of  Sioux Falls was one of the two votes against the bill…


Senator Ernie Otten of  Tea says he bristles at the idea of more legislation…


Huron, Brookings, Watertown and Sioux Falls have passed texting bans, all of which would be superseded by a statewide ban.


(courtesy KJJQ Brookings)