Huron City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission is set to meet tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners will consider a payment request for LED modules for the new traffic signals being installed around Huron. For the third time in as many meetings the Huron City Commission will again consider what to do with a plat request in the Lake Heights addition filed by Kelly Bales and Gregory and Roxan Bixler. Last week the Commission denied a request to re plat the land. The commission will also take a second look at an infrastructure agreement reached two weeks ago with Dan and Ronette Marroteck. Second and final readings will be held on ordinances regarding historic perservation and golf cart use on city streets. The Commission will consider the appraisal of a surplus police department handgun and a recommendation to renew E-911 contracts in six-month time periods. The Commission will meet in executive session for a personnel matter then will hold a work session on Highway 14 access roads and preliminary plans for a project on highway 37. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public.