Visitor Restrictions In Place At HRMC

With the respiratory influenza widespread across South Dakota and rounds of gastrointestinal stomach flu affecting residents around Huron, the Huron Regional Medical Center is announcing restrictions on visitors to the facility. Those wishing to visit paitents at H-R-M-C will need to be over the age of 12, in good health and free of any recent respiratory and stomach flu symptoms. The hospital is suggesting that instead of a personal visit, you should call a paitent or send flowers. You can also send an e-card from the H-R-M-C website at w-w-w. Signs regarding the visitor restrictions are posted around the hospital. The restrictions will remain in effect as long as flu season cases remain widespread in the community. For more information on visitor restrictions you can call 353-6500. The restrictions on visitors are being enacted to control the spread of influenza and stomach flu among, paitents, young and eldery residents and those with compromised immune systems