City Commissioner Haeder To Run For Mayor

The first announced candidate to run for Mayor in Huron in the 2013 Municipal election has come forward. Current City Commissioner Kerwin Haeder formally announced his run for Mayor last night. Haeder has been a City Commissioner for six years. He also has three terms as a school board member under his belt from 1995 to 2004. In a press release Haeder highlights his accomplishments on the City Commission including working to make Splash Central a reality, assisting with implementing the Huron Police Department drug-dog program. working to get a stoplight at 27th street near Wal-Mart and starting a recycling program in Huron. If elected as Huron’s next Mayor, Haeder wants to enhance educational opportunities for workforce development, supporting the creation of additional housing and continued economic growth for Huron. Haeder is seeking the office currently held by David McGirr, who is not seeking re-election as Mayor. We’ll hear more directly from Haeder on his mayoral run next week.