Leadership Huron Announces 2012-2013 Project

The 2012-2013 Leadership Huron class has revealed what their class project will be…


2012-2013 Leadership Huron President Mark Davis says enhancements to the Beadle County Veteran’s Memorial were approved Tuesday night by the Huron Veteran’s Council. a group representing every veteran interest across the county.


The group has a long way to go in assisting to raise the approximately 60-thousand dollars needed for enhancements.


Leadership Huron wants to raise as much money for the project as possible before the class is over in May. Keith Schrader is chairing the enhancement project….


The statues will represent all branches of military service, women in the military and the canine corp. Also talked about being added is a statue of Beadle County’s only Medal of Honor winner, Michael Fitzmaurice. Those wishing to donate to the Beadle County Veteran’s Memorial Enhancement project can send donations to the Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau Write Attention Leadership Huron on the envelope.  The project still needs to be approved by the City of Huron.