City Commission Holds First Meeting Of New Year

The Huron City Commission will hold it’s first meeting of the year tonight. Commissioners will consider setting specifications and a bid date for bids on a new skid steer loader for the Solid Waste Department. The Commission will also consider a combined Election Agreement with the Huron School District and set April 9th as the date for school and municipal elections this year. The school and city will also consider a rental contract regarding the lease of a classroom at the Huron Community Campus. The second reading of an ordinance governing the Golf Course Commission will be held. Commissioners will consider a resolution setting water-sewer equipment rates. The Commission will consider an appointment to the Planning Commission, promotion of a city employee to Solid Waste Maintenance two position and accepting the resignation of a part-time Library Clerk. There are no scheduled items in executive session. Commissioners will hold two work sessions, on on Capital Assets requests and the second regarding what to do with the 2013 agreement for towing. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.