Replacement For Werner On Lottery Commission Made

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) – Gov. Dennis Daugaard has named two outgoing state legislators to the South Dakota Lottery Commission.  Jim Putnam, an Armour businessman, has served 24 years in the state House and Senate.  Chuck Turbiville of Deadwood, an economic development executive, is an eight-year veteran of the House.  Their legislative terms expire Jan. 8 when new lawmakers take the oath of office. Their appointments to the commission will begin that same day.  Daugaard says both Putnam and Turbiville have extensive legislative and business experience, and those assets will prove invaluable as members of the lottery commission.  Putnam and Turbiville succeed Dick Werner of Huron and Jim Peterson of Revillo, both of whom have been elected to the Legislature.  State Lottery Commission appointments are subject to approval of the South Dakota Senate.