65 Snow Alert Tickets Written On Monday With First Snow Alert Of The Season

The first major snow of the year in Huron has at least 65 vehicle owners reviewing the City’s rules on parking during snow alerts. Sixty-five snow alert tickets have been written by Huron Police as of 5:30 PM last night for a snow alert that has officially been in place since early Monday Morning. Commissioner Jan Manolis says while snow alerts may indicate certain streets are plowed on certain days, during a snow alert, crews will plow until EVERY street is clear….


Generally speaking during a Snow Alert after two inches of snow or more. No Parking is allowed in the Core Area or on Emergency Snow Routes until they have been cleared curb to curb. The will be no parking on East/West streets on even numbered days and no parking on North/South streets on odd numbered days. Snow Alerts automatically go into effect for the Core Area regardless if a larger Snow Alert has been issued.  In addition to snow alert tickets Huron police were also busy with vehicles that were moving. Police responded to countless numbers of cars getting stuck in the snow. Dispatchers received a total of 27 accident reports between the Beadle County Sheriff’s Office and Huron Police Department since Friday evening. Police Chief Gary Will, Jr says the actual number of accidents may be higher, because some people involved in minor accidents don’t report them and some who get stuck don’t call police for assistance.