Juveniles Attack Guard, Escape JDC Last Night

Law enforcement in Beadle County is on the hunt for two juvenile males who escaped from the Regional Corrections Center in Huron…


Beadle County Sheriff Doug Solem says the jailer was taken to the emergency room but is otherwise ok and perhaps a bit sore. The males are identified as 16 year-old Eduardo Valdez and 17 year-old Matthew Rainbow. Solem says its possible at least one of the juveniles could have left the area…


Solem advises residents to use to take some additional pre-cautions…


Both Valdez and Rainbow were wearing orange and white striped jail uniforms. The escape is being investigated by the Solem’s office and the Huron Police Department. If you encounter either juvenile your asked to use caution and notify local law enforcement immediately. The Beadle County Sheriff can be reached at 353-84-24