Area Dakota Energy Employees Helping After Sandy

Two Dakota Energy employees are on Long Island, New York assisting with power restoration in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Dakota Energy C-E-O Ken Gates says the chance to assist in the clean-up is a good chance to give back…


Robert Feldhaus of Huron and Brandon Moore of Miller met up with four employees of Sioux Valley Electric for the trip east. Gates says the linemen are being put to the test…


Gates says the can relate to what utilities on the Eastern Seaboard are up against having dealt with the crushing effects of ice storms as recently as 2010…


Gates says they talk to the employees everyday to keep fellow co-workers and family updated about what’s happening. Feldhaus and Moore are staying in FEMA trailers with 20 people per trailer. They are a part of 11-thousand utility workers from around the country assisting in the power restoration efforts in the Northeast